Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shannon going to Playgroup

I have always wanted to upload Shannon's Playgroup uniform photos. She had been going to Playgroup since January. Apart from the first 2 days in school, she had been very independant. Nowadays she will carry her own schoolbag and walk her way to school.

She is in her uniform getting ready to go to school.

She's all ready now with her hair all tie up.

Started Jogging again.

Finally started jogging on a regular basis after 1 year. Went jogging alone is so boring. Hence I decided to drag my family along for the exercise. I was pretty surprised that Shannon was able to jog 1 full round on the track. She was still able to go on after that round. Shannon had outgrown her previous pair of jogging shoes. Here's her new pair of shoes with her modeling them.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Changing Blog Skin

After changing the blog skin to my girl's favourite Winx Club, I had problem updating the information. Never used HTML as template previously.

Figuring for a few days due to being lazy and having commitments/dates. Finally it's done. Time to dump some of the pictures and events that had taken place during the lag.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Shannon was hospitalise............

Shannon was hospitalise for 2 days on the 3rd day of CNY. There was red spots appearing on her the lower limbs. Family doctor commented that the spots are not due to insect bites or allergy. It was cause by bleeding underneath the skin. Thus need to send her back to KK A&E. She been to KK A&E a week before that due to high fever at 40.4 degree.

Shannon got her blood drawn for testing and the tube is in place if drip is required. She was send to do the blood test when she was half asleep. We couldn't go into the room to prevent her associating the pain with us. Feel extreme heart pain listerning to her crying and looking at her hand. The red spots spread into patches and her lower limbs started to swell. She complain about the pain and unable to walk.

She enjoy the TV show with the headphone when she is not in pain. The next day she was feeling much much better with the swelling reduce and she was able to walk.

Thank God that her blood and urine test show that there's no complication to her kidneys. The cause of the illness is due to viral infection. She will be going back to KK for a f0llowup appointment on 10/02/09 Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time files 31 yrs old......

Time really flies. Reaching my 40 yrs old soon.
Looking at my girl growing up, I would know that I becoming an Uncle.
Here are some photos taken with my cheeky girl for my birthday celebration at home.

Shannon showing her cheeky side when taking the photo.

Shannon still showing her cheeky face.

Wifey bought the blackforest cake for my birthday and the wallet as my present. Luckily this year, Shannon never blow out the candles before I can finishing making my wish. Hmmm thinking of it, I forgotten to make a wish at all. I was too concentrating counting 1.....2....3...... to prevent Shannon from blowing my candles first.

A blog about my family finally

I have always wanted to start a blog stating the growth of my girl (Shannon) since conceiving her in 2005. The first platform to used was Friendster but only post 1 entry on testing. Hahahaha....

After a year of talk and no action, finally I am formally into the blog and will try to backdate the growth of my girl and show how she had turned into a fine young lady which we are proud of. Also to commend my wife.