I was not as nervous and lost for the birth as compared to Shannon's birth. I was more composed and able to remember on the items that need to be done. Cord blood was collected and the cell count was sufficient to be stored in StemCord.
All was well for Mummy and Ethan during the birth. When Shannon was born, she was playing with her tongue licking her lips. Ethan was playing with his saliva and blowing bubbles.
Here are some photos of the new member of our family.
Yong Rui Lang Ethan first photo
Yong Rui Lang Ethan's birth weight
Yong Rui Lang Ethan playing with his saliva and blowing bubbles.
Yong Rui Lang Ethan sleeping in the baby cot in hospital.
Yong Rui Lang Ethan back home.
Shannon likes to touch her brother eyebrow.